Update 12 issues, hotfix coming soon.

As expected, issues with update 12 have cropped up because of the project migration as well as oversights on my part. The raft and glider at the start were placed for my own testing purposes and left in by mistake, but take the opportunity to test them in the mean time. They may be buggy though and disappear or duplicate on subsequent loads as they are not technically the actual gliders that you craft but they should function the same while in use. 

An issue with the dragon hatchling disappearing upon hatching is being worked on as well as its navigation within buildings. It should actually spawn but may be spawning on roofs or in trees if the area above the egg is not clear. Try to only hatch the dragon outside with nothing overhead and keep it outside. I have fixed it on my end but it may not even spawn outside in the clear in your current version. The upcoming hotfix should allow the hatchling to hatch indoors as well as traverse stairs and interiors as normal. 

There has also been an issue where update 12 does not work unless Windstone is reinstalled. I apologize for this inconvenience. It will be messy until the dust settles from the project file migration but it was a necessary step. I appreciate your understanding and patience. 

This is why I have released the game for free on itch to work these kinks out so they don't happen (or at least happen less frequently) when I charge for it. Remember this is in very early development, you are under no obligation to pay, and by no means is Windstone considered a final product. By playing Windstone, you are accepting the role of a "tester" more than a "player". Many mechanics in the game are placeholders and will most definitely change so please keep that in mind when giving feedback. Any opinions are appreciated but currently reports of obvious bugs and broken mechanics will most greatly help development.

Thank you very much for your help


windstone-win.zip 1 GB
Version 12 Jul 08, 2018


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